Dell Latitude 5320

For the year 2022, the school has made arrangements for you to purchase the following model as the PLD for your son’s/ward’s use in school.

Personal Learning Device offered in Yr 2022: 

Dell Latitude 5320


Warranty and Repair



*The insurance coverage is only applicable to situations of damages and loss where the student has taken precautions to safeguard the device.

Device Enquiry

Please contact Dell After-Sales Support for further enquiries regarding their products.


1800-395-7933 hotline


Response back in 24 - 48 hrs


(+65 96279236) 

Daily 9.00 - 18.00

Technical Support (Hardware Troubleshooting) 

Call 1800-88-0022/1800-88-0433 

Common Issues

1 to 1 Exchange within 7 days from unboxing

If you found manufacturing defects (not software) within 7 calendar days from unboxing, you may get an 1-to-1 exchange.

If it is not valid for an 1-to-1 exchange, kindly refer to the "Insurance Claim Process".

Click here for a summary.

Lost Device Process

*Device must be within insurance/warranty period

If the lost device is not covered, parent can seek school's assistance to purchase a replacement device. 

Click here for a summary.

Insurance Claim Process (Enhanced Bundle)

*Device must be within insurance/warranty period.

Otherwise, Fujifilm Service Centre will quote repair fee. You can opt to pay the quoted repair fee if you do not wish to claim under insurance.

If you would like to claim under insurance and the damage/loss is within insurance coverage, Service Centre will advise if it is a repair or replacement.

     If not within insurance coverage, you will decide whether to pay the quoted repair fee. 

Student to inform school to enroll new device, if any, to school's DMA.

Click here for a summary.

Changing/Replacing of Device

*Device must be windows-based device.

Click here for a summary.

School IT Support

Students can seek basic trouble shooting support in school about DMA or any other IT related problems at:

IT Office @ Tech Center Level 1  (Monday to Friday : 8:30am to 11:30am and 1.30pm to 4.30pm)

B218, Tech Hub (Monday to Friday : 8:30am to 11:30am and 1.30pm to 4.30pm)

You may also send an email to (PLD device issues)

Device Repair Process

*Device must be within insurance/warranty period.

This is for devices with issues after 7 calendar days from unboxing.

If you unsure about the nature of the issue, kindly check with the school's ICT team or

Click here for a summary.